Time To Update Sex Ed On Campus

Walk around campus and you might notice something… or rather a lack of something, on a subject that effects many people on campus. Sex Ed. Bulletin boards and campus bathrooms have very little informative posters for sexual education, or none at all. The one poster that does exist is quite old, one that was created by SERC (Sexual Education Resource Centre). It is worn around the edges and wearing thin. It has been in the campus bathrooms for at least five years.

Modern culture is constantly evolving, and so is the way society views sex. It is now more important than ever to have proper sexual education for students. This includes adult students attending university. Not everyone has an equal amount of knowledge towards sexual education, and they may not have access to information that is necessary in order to remain protected and safe during sex.

Talking about sex in any form can be an uncomfortable subject to broach with anyone, even adults having a conversation with someone in their own age group. Having information in brief points on posters can help distribute the information to students. Posters are an anonymous way for students to gather information. The posters can also assist students in finding out appropriate places and people to go to if problems arise or they need to talk to someone about sexual health.

People are more likely to make healthier decisions that are right for them when they have accurate, unbiased information and the ability to talk with non-judgemental people who can answer their questions. Sexual education can also help students develop decision-making skills to apply the strategies and techniques learned into their daily lives. This is why updating and adding to the sexual education posters in both bathrooms and on bulletin boards across campus will benefit students’ well being. Access to non-judgmental information is important and should be made readily available for all students.