Psychemology Social

This year’s psychemology was yet another great success for the Biology, Chemistry, and Psychology clubs. On the night of March 2nd, droves of study-weary students descended on the Ukrainian National Home for an evening of dancing, drinking and socializing. The roughly 150 revelers roistered ‘round a room ravishingly ringed in red ribbon streamers, balloons and rife with traffic light party related riggings. Partygoers were asked to dress in red signaling they were taken, green for single, and yellow for “it’s complicated”. It would be interesting to find out whether more people went from green to red or red to green during the party. At any rate it seemed that the inebriated gyrating carousers on the dance floor heeded these signals as little as small town red lights at midnight. It pains me to admit that in my journalistic duties I too failed to remain an objectively uninvolved reporter. While being swept away by the rhythm of the music the words “verweile doch, du bist so schön” may have escaped my lips, lucky for me Mephistopheles doesn’t seem to have heard.

If, like me, dancing is more of an act leading to embarrassment rather than enjoyment there was still opportunity enough to have a good time. The test tube shots turned out to be a great hit in particular. Who wouldn’t want to down coloured alcohol served in test tubes? As Claudia Rodriguez Diaz put it “I liked (the social), love the test tube shots those were fun!”.

I promise those tubes were clean and not recycled from the Infectious diseases lab. I don’t have the stats to back this up, but from the looks of it, the number of dancers was directly proportional to the number of shots sold. As soon as the party was well under way free pizza was brought in to ensure that everyone would have sufficient energy to last late into the night. Free pizza is always a good thing, and the best university students have developed a nose for smelling out events where some is to be had. I swear my diet consists of 50% free ‘za! Alas, all things have an end, except for the sausage which has two, and at 2:00AM the social came to a conclusion. 

The Bio, Chem and Psych clubs were pleased with the outcome of the event which saw around 140 tickets sold. It was a combined effort from all members of the three clubs that enabled this remarkable outcome.

Kelsey Dickson, the fearless leader of the Bio club, had this to say: “The social was a tremendous success which was made possible only by the incredible support of all the club members and volunteers as well as our generous donors. Everyone had a great time, something which may have to do with the fact that we nearly sold out of test tube shots!” The proceeds from the social will go towards funding of further activities that the clubs might have planned for the future.