New Electronic Voting System

Have you ever wanted to  vote for your Friendly Neighbourhood BUSU Council nominees, but were busy with work or class on the day of elections? BUSU has a solution! Starting this year, students will be able to use an app to vote from the comfort of their own pajamas via their smart phones!

On the morning of March 1st, a link will be sent to students’ BU email addresses by the wonderful BUSU team, and voting can be completed for each position on the docket.

Voting will begin at 9:00AM on Thursday and be open until 4:00PM on Friday. There will be no paper ballots to accompany the app.

Says Nataly Ore, BUSU General Manager, “This provides more accessibility for our off-campus students and even our on-campus students who would found it difficult to make it out to the in person voting polls in the Mingling Area. Since students can vote from the comfort of their mobile device or laptop, we hope that this encourages students to visit our website to learn about the candidates, the election, and just overall be more involved with the selection process of the BUSU council. Student Unions across Canada are using electronic ballots for their elections, and we figured it was about time we did it at BUSU!”

We at The Quill greatly anticipate reporting on the results of the first electronic voting, and hope to see a sharp increase in voter turn out thanks to this convenient new method!

Happy voting, BU!