Some Empires Still Stand

September has gone out with a bang, thanks to a number of successful events. One such festivity worth noting is Darrach Hall’s Toga Social. The On-Campus Forbidden Flavours hosted the party on Friday, Sept. 28th, making it the first Residence Social held in the space and accompanying Mingling Area of the Knowles Douglas Building since the closure of the Student Union Drinking Spot (SUDS) in 2017. The theme of the party encourages dressing in ancient Greek/Rome fashion by sporting a toga (often made with material available such as a bed-sheet). Attendees enjoyed pizza, a drink discount special, door prizes and a variety of modern board games for those looking for a dance break or icebreaker.

Organized by Darrach Hall’s Residence Council, the Annual Toga Social marks the end of the usually week-long Residence Olympics. Teams of students participate in a number of contests and challenges, including the rousing 4 liter Milk Chug competition. This culminates in a Dance-off between teams at the Social to crown a winning team and to get the dance floor going.

A quick internet search reveals that an article can be found on the Brandon Sun Website dated 2003, stating that the social had (at that time) been happening for over 20 years. That would make the Toga Social a now more than 35 year old tradition.

This year’s event was a great way to connect new students with the community and to enjoy a night making memories with friends before buckling down for exams. Time will tell if the Flora Cowan and McMaster Residences will also put on events later this year, after abstaining from holding the Graffiti and 80’s/Stoplight socials respectively last year.