The Quill's Office Hours

So you want to place an advertisement in the University paper? No? Then maybe you want to tell us about a story you would like us to cover? No? Perhaps you want to send in one of your own articles for us to print? No? Oh I see you want to talk about joining our team? Well I got good news for you and its called The Quill.

Hi, my name is Robert, and this is a commercial typed in 2D to inform students about the amazing opportunities that they have in order to see Quill members in our natural habitat. It’s kind of like a zoo, except the “bars” on our cage are actually windows. The only difference between writers and the “obviously domesticated” animals in captivity is they enjoy free dental care and medical work.

But jokes aside and shade already thrown, I would like to let you guys know how and when to reach The Quill. The Quill is located on the 2nd floor of the KDC building, just past the LGBTTQ and Women’s Collective Office, above the BUSU office and below The Elephant Room. If the door is closed, chances are no one is there. If this is the case, you can always email the Editor at

The Quill also has several hours during which you are most likely to find us in our natural habitat. Ariele (Boss Lady) is there Monday/Wednesday from 10:30 AM to 2:30PM, Tuesday/Thursday 11:30AM to 1:30PM, and by appointment on Fridays. Alexandra (Badass Anthro Student) is in the office Mondays/Wednesdays 1:30PM to 3:30PM. Ashlyn (Copy Editor Extraordinaire) is there from 10:30AM to 1:00PM on Mondays, and 1:30PM to 2:30PM on Thursdays. Appointments with her can also be made. And for yours truly (Twelfth Best Looking of The Quill members), I will be there occasionally but usually I will not be. Some days I may be there for an hour, other days I will likely be there for other periods of time.

Our Quill meetings are held on Mondays at 10:30AM! Hope to see you all there, but not all at once as it can get very crowded. Have a wonderful week!