Study Tips: End of Year Roundup

It is the end of the school year and we have survived! Give yourself a pat on the back. I have spent the last year trying out new and different apps and services to help you (and me) improve your productivity. Some of these I kept up with for a few weeks, some I let fall by the wayside.

However, there are four apps and services that I have come to realize I cannot possibly live without. So, without further ado here is my list of top apps and services for a more productive you.

Frist up is Grammarly. Grammarly is a free Google Chrome extension that was created by a group of linguistic and language-lovers. Grammarly helps you out with by calling you out on your terrible, and not so terrible, grammatical errors. The best part is, once it has been installed as an extension it works within your browser all the time. This has saved me from a ton of embarrassing emails. Grammarly will also send you a weekly progress report so you can better identify your strengths and weaknesses.

GradeProof is another great writing and grammar application, that is also free. GradeProof works as a standalone program, or if you are using Google Docs to type up an assignment it can be used as an extension. GradeProof provides you with a delightfully colour coordinated profile of mistakes within your work, this includes spelling, grammar, and anything that needs rephrasing. It also underlines these errors within your body of work, to fix these errors, all you have to do is click on the underlined word or phrase and corrections are suggested below. If you have Grammarly installed as an extension it will also work in conjunction with GradeProof.

Wunderlist is the best list app ever, of all time. My favourite part of this app is that it allows you to share lists with friends, family, or whoever you want to share a list with. When one person adds something to the list, it updates immediately. This app has revolutionized my grocery shopping experience.

Finally, Bear. Which is quite possible my new favourite app until the end of time. It is impossible to express just how much I love it, but I will try my best. First, it is beautiful. The design is seamless, and while it takes a few days to adjust, it is well worth the initial struggle. Bear allows you to streamline your writing process, create lists, and outlines. The best part is you can link PDFs within your notes, this is particularly useful for paper writing. Everything you need is only a click away. The standard version is free, however, they also offer a yearly subscription for $19.99, which has been taunting me for months now. The only downside to Bear is that it is only available for Mac and iOS users.

If these reviews and recommendations have helped you even a little, then I have done my job. Stay productive!

Republished from The Quill print edition, Volume 107, Issue 29, April 11th, 2017.