This Week in Pop Culture: Mourning the Loss of a Fandom

Major Crimes, a highly successful crime drama on a cable network had announced their cancellation earlier this month. They will air the sixth and now the final season to end the show. This show aired on TNT and the right to it belong to Warner Brothers.

This show is just as, or even more, successful then its mother show, The Closer which aired for seven seasons before Major Crimes became the spin-off. The two shows combined have had two hundred episodes and at least 100 episodes in each series on its own.

The ratings for the fifth season of Major Crimes showed the show was getting more attention; becoming more popular. Yet, it was still cancelled.

To many of the writers, producers, and cast members of the show, it came as no surprise to them. The new president of TNT and TBS started in 2014. It is said that he wanted to replace the shows on TNT with edgier and grittier dramas. He wanted Major Crimes to go, despite knowing the show was the highest rated in terms of popularity and viewership.

There are petitions being signed including on Facebook and Twitter in an effort to save their (and this writer’s) favourite show.

Many fans and cast members hope that something good will happen and perhaps a streaming network will pick up a show but if not, the sixth season is said to have thirteen wonderful episodes ahead of them. The first episode of season six (but hopefully not the last) will air on October 31st.

Even if the fight to save the show doesn’t work out, there is still one more season to watch, and five other to look back on. It is an amazing show to see from beginning to end.