The Quill Hosts Annual Holiday Writing Contest

The Quill has hosted a holiday-themed writing contest for the past four years, and this year is no exception.

In our last edition of the term, due to come out on Tuesday, December 5th, we’d like to feature a piece written by a Brandon University student! You do not need to be an English major, you just need to be able to string a sentence together.

We ask that submissions stick to the very broad, very vague theme of snow/ice. Write a story about a romantic snow day, a poem about the beauty of a freshly zamboni’d ice rink, or a ballad about a post-apocalyptic snowscape. You write it, we read it, and the winner gets published in The Quill!

Along with a publishing credit, the winner will take home a gift card to Forbidden Flavours, a vintage Quill t-shirt, and bragging rights. Sweet, sweet bragging rights. Second prize will be published in the online edition of The Quill, and the runner-up will also receive a vintage Quill t-shirt.

Pieces should be in by Friday, December 1st at 4:00PM, and no more than 600 words in length. We also ask that the material not contain graphic, sensitive content. The pieces will be judged by a crack team of Quill staff members and a bottle of wine, and winners will be contacted by the morning of Monday, Decem ber 4th with the good news.

Distract yourself from your end-of-term essays and exam prep and write The Quill a story! Happy writing, everyone!