Extended Deadline for Spooky Tales

The Quill’s Halloween writing contest deadline has been extended to Friday, October 27th.

Are you bursting with creative energy? Do you like being able to brag about having a writing credit to your name? Do you drink a lot of coffee? Then this is just the thing for you!

We ask that submissions be no more than 500 words and stick to a spooky theme. Maybe your characters are monsters. Maybe the setting is super creepy. Maybe you just binge-listened to the Welcome to Night Vale podcast and want to script your own radio drama. As long as it’s spooky, I’m here for it!

Prizes for the contest will be a $20 gift card to Forbidden Flavours as well as a publishing credit to stick on your resume. It may not sound like a lot, but hey — bragging rights are nothing to scoff at!

The only caveat to our spooky story submissions is that stories with particularly sensitive material such as physical or sexual abuse, particularly strong or abusive language, or graphic gore contain a content warning prior to the start of the actual piece, or at the very least within the submission email — be it in the body of the email or in the header. We respect those who have specific triggers and wish to give them the option to give it a miss.

Submit your spooky tale to eic@thequill.ca by 4:00PM on Friday, October 27th! We look forward to being frightened!