Podcast Review: Sword and Scale

(Grant / Flickr)

Another week, another podcast review. The success of true crime television has now expanded to the podcast world. If you wander over and check iTunes top charts at least five of the top ten podcasts fall into the category of true crime. This week’s feature is no exception. Sword and Scale-A True Crime Podcast that debuted in 2013, so not to worry, you will only be a maximum of 3 years and 83 episodes behind. Not so much to catch up on if you think about it, I am sure you have nothing better to do.

Sword and Scale is not for the faint of heart. As a true crime podcast, the show covers many dark topics. This includes mass murder, single murder, court cases, torture, sex crimes, heists, and conspiracy. Just a warning, be sure to read the descriptions before selecting an episode.

Sword and Scale is narrated and hosted by Mike Boudet, whose background in audio engineering comes through in the show. The podcast seamlessly transitions from Boudet’s narration to audio clips which include interviews, court cases, 911 calls, and news reports, while in the background music plays, adding an air of tension.

The episode I began with was the first of a 2-part saga about a criminal conspiracy and cover-up involving the highest levels of industry and government in the United States, beginning with the kidnapping of 12-year old Johnny Gosch in September of 1982. Upon completing part one I immediately downloaded part two. For those interested, the episodes mentioned are 5 and 6.

Episodes run anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half. I recommend setting some time aside to listen, as was my experience once you start you may not be able to walk away, especially from 2-part episodes. So be sure to schedule a procrastination break.

If you can’t get enough of Sword and Scale be sure to check out their website swordandscale.com for extras including articles, FAQ’s, and their store. Sword and Scale is a free podcast that can be subscribed to on iTunes, their website, or your favourite podcast platform. Sword and Scale updates on a bi-weekly basis.