Club Feature: BUABS

There is a new club on campus! The Brandon University Anti-Bullying Society is roaming the campus and surrounding communities, raising awareness about bullies, and bullying. BUABS members are willing to talk with anyone on campus or in the community about how anti-bullying awareness can be better accomplished.  Meetings are usually held in the Knowles-Douglas Building Boardroom (it’s on the second floor). BUABS meetings do not have a set time, but meetings are arranged to take place once or twice a month.

The week of November 19th to November 23rd BUABS held an Anti-Bullying week at BU, during which there was a bake sale, and a raffle. The next event is scheduled to be held around February 27th, National Anti-Bullying day. Event ideas are a Cake Walk, and possibly a professor Sing-Along, as well as a signing of the groups “Stop Blanketing the Issues” blanket which they hope to send to Parliament along with the other squares from Brandon schools.  There is currently a draw being held. Anyone who wears a pink or Anti-Bullying t-shirt each Thursday of every month will have the opportunity to enter their name into a draw in the BUSU office for a chance to win a $20 gift card. The first draw will take place December 13th.

BUABS executive members include Louise Poirier (President), Stephanie Bachewich (Vice-President), Ava Toroghi (Treasurer), Jeremy Roberts (Secretary) and Teresa Morden (Events Coordinator). Any and all students are welcome to join the club, as well as community members. There is no membership fee. Anyone wanting to join the club or would like more information can e-mail the club at