‘A Warrior’s Red Road’ exhibit highlights Indigenous men connecting to culture

‘A Warrior’s Red Road’ exhibit highlights Indigenous men connecting to culture

(BU News)

·         Date: Tuesday, March 21

·         Time: 6:30–9:30 p.m.

·         Location: Glen P. Sutherland Gallery of Art

(A picture containing fungus, grass, outdoor, tree)

Description automatically generatedAn exploration of drum-making and Indigenous masculinity will be the centrepiece of a new exhibit at Brandon University’s Glen P. Sutherland Gallery of Art.

The exhibit, a collection of photographs created using a community-based research method called photovoice, explores how Indigenous men are connecting to traditional culture by coming together to rediscover drum-making.

Called “A Warrior’s Red Road,” the exhibit will be officially unveiled on Tuesday evening, March 21, from 6:30–9:30 p.m. The evening will include a visual display of photographs, drums, and words of the participants, along with a drumming circle with the men of the Akicita Cante Waste Men’s group. Refreshments will be provided, made with local Indigenous ingredients.

Members of the public are invited to the opening, but are asked to RSVP to Dr. Candice Waddell-Henowitch by email at WaddellC@BrandonU.ca so organizers can prepare for the appropriate number of visitors.

The exhibit will remain up at the Sutherland Gallery, which is open from Wednesday, March 22 through Friday, March 24, from noon until 3 p.m., and Saturday, March 25 from 11 a.m. until 4 p.m.

Dr. Waddell-Henowitch is one of the BU researchers who partnered with the Brandon Friendship Centre and Dakota Ojibway Child and Family Services on the project.

“This exhibition brings exploratory research on Indigenous drum making to life. It is so moving to learn from the stories, photographs, videos, and experiences of drum making participants and researchers,” she said. “By seeing the project unfold, and by engaging in the display, everyone from policymakers, program funders, and the whole community will gain a newfound respect and admiration for Indigenous men’s cultural programming and see the importance of supporting this type of work.”

Funding was provided by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the Canada Research Chairs Program, and Movember. 

Success is built at Brandon University. Our growing, progressive campus welcomes a diverse and inclusive community that combines proud tradition with shared ambition. Through our excellence in teaching, research, and scholarship, we educate students to make a meaningful difference as engaged citizens and leaders. Join us at BrandonU.ca


Dr. Candice Waddell-Henowitch Associate Professor,

Department of Psychiatric Nursing



Grant Hamilton

Director, Marketing and Communications



Visitor Perception of Bear Management and the “Bare Campsite” Program at Riding Mountain National Park

Visitor Perception of Bear Management and the “Bare Campsite” Program at Riding Mountain National Park


Wednesday, March 29th @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Downtown Brandon Public Library

Presenters: Christopher D. Malcolm and Daniela Paz Campama Gonzalez

BU at the Public Library: All presentations will be held on the last Wednesday of the month, from January to June, from 7:00-8:30 in the Program Room of the Downtown Brandon public library. The library doors will be open at 6:30, and visitors can enter through the Town Centre Parkade or the Rosser Ave entrance. Parking at that time of the evening is free. Each presentation will also be catered by a downtown eatery, so expect delicious food as well as stimulating conversations. The presentations will also include door prizes, so these are events not to be missed!

Assiniboine receives $1.7M from Weston Family Foundation for education and outreach to build healthier soil ecosystems

Media Release


Embargoed until MIDNIGHT, FEBRUARY 15

Assiniboine receives $1.7M from Weston Family Foundation for education and outreach to build healthier soil ecosystems

BRANDON, Man. (February 14, 2023)— The Weston Family Soil Health Initiative, which seeks to expand the adoption of ecologically based beneficial management practices (BMPs) that increase soil organic matter to improve biodiversity and resiliency on agricultural lands across Canada, has granted Assiniboine Community College $1,680,827 for a five-year project to enhance soil ecosystems in Western Canadian agriculture.

The project, which is also supported by Farm Management Canada, the Manitoba Forage and Grasslands Association, and the Manitoba Association of Watersheds, will use education and outreach to develop a Net Positive Network to build healthier soil ecosystems in Western Canada. The project will work with innovative Western Canadian farmers, like David Rourke of Rourke Farms, to demonstrate ways to improve biodiversity and tackle climate change by adopting practices that lead to improved soil health.

“Soil is foundational to long-term viable agriculture and food production, and healthy soil can help mitigate climate change. This project will bring together like-minded producers to implement practices that will shape the way we farm and produce food,” said Tim Hore, Dean, Russ Edwards School of Agriculture and Environment. “We thank the Weston Family Foundation for making this project possible. Together we can engage with producers to develop communities of practice that promote regional and economically viable BMPs through farmer extension and post-secondary education.”

By 2050, the global population is projected to reach 10 billion people and global food demand is predicted to increase by 56%. Assiniboine's project will dig into the practical and pragmatic ways that producers have improved upon and continue to advance soil health and climate conscious practices, and will accelerate the development and implementation of those practices to ensure a sustainable future.

“It is clear, through the high-quality applications we received, that soil health is of growing importance in the agriculture sector and that there are scientifically proven yet underutilized approaches to increasing soil organic matter on Canada’s farmlands,” says Emma Adamo, Chair, Weston Family Foundation. “Our Foundation is committed to supporting landscape-level efforts to find solutions to our environmental challenges and, ultimately, improve the well-being of Canadians.”

“Farmers continue to make progress in preserving and nurturing soil health and yet still have many uniquely regional, technical and economic obstacles to overcome,” said Brent VanKoughnet, project lead. “This project will support and elevate the ingenuity of farmers to accelerate the development and adoption of increasingly more targeted and effective beneficial management practices.”

This project aligns with Assiniboine’s agriculture and environment applied research strategy by responding to sector challenges and industry needs through partner-driven collaboration.

About Assiniboine Community College

Assiniboine Community College has been providing exceptional learning experiences for more than 60 years, offering unparalleled learning environments and responding to the demands and requirements of the Manitoba labour market. Following the philosophy of "learn by doing," programs combine theory with hands- on learning inside classrooms, labs, kitchens, shops, fields and the college's Sustainable Greenhouse.

Assiniboine offers more than 60 certificate, diploma and post-graduate programs across a variety of disciplines including culinary arts and hospitality, business, agriculture and environment, health and human services, and trades and technology. The college also delivers apprenticeship programming in a range of skilled trades disciplines.

The college welcomed more than 3,700 full-time and 6,000 part-time students last year. With campuses in Brandon, Dauphin, Winnipeg and Portage la Prairie, Assiniboine provides comprehensive educational opportunities throughout Manitoba. The college also partners with many communities and organizations across the province to deliver customized education and training. Assiniboine's annual provincial economic impact is $612 million. In the most recent survey of graduates, nine months after graduation, 94 per cent were employed, with 92 per cent remaining in Manitoba.

Assiniboine Community College campuses are located on the traditional territories of Treaty No. 1 and Treaty No. 2, the shared traditional lands of Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota, Dene and Anishinabek/Ojibwe peoples, and the homeland of the Red River Métis. We acknowledge their welcome to the students who seek knowledge here.

About the Weston Family Foundation

At the Weston Family Foundation (formerly The W. Garfield Weston Foundation), more than 60 years of philanthropy has taught us that there's a relationship between healthy landscapes and healthy people. That's why we champion world-class health research and innovation with the same passion that we support initiatives to protect and restore biodiversity on our unique landscapes. We take a collaborative approach to philanthropy, working alongside forward-thinking partners to advance Canada and create lasting impacts. We aspire to do more than provide funding; we want to enable others to find transformational ways to improve the well-being of Canadians.

For more information, please contact:

Anya McNabb
Director, Communications and Marketing

Assiniboine Community College

204.725.8700 ext. 6044

Laura Arlabosse-Stewart

Weston Family Foundation


(647) 265-1960

Assiniboine Foundation Gala proceeds to support financial awards for Black Canadian students

Media Release



Assiniboine Foundation Gala proceeds to support financial awards for Black Canadian students

BRANDON, Man. (February 13, 2023)— Proceeds from Assiniboine Community College’s upcoming Foundation Legacy Gala Dinner on March 23 will support financial awards for Black students. This fundraising event is held annually at the college’s Manitoba Institute of Culinary Arts, with the proceeds going to a different dedicated purpose each year.

“The Legacy Gala is our largest fundraising event each year, where guests have the opportunity to experience a remarkable evening while supporting a worthy endeavour,” said Heather Dodds, Assiniboine Foundation Board President. “It’s a pleasure to be involved in this event, and I want to thank our supporters and guests in advance for supporting the future of Black Canadians at Assiniboine.”

“Assiniboine recognizes the importance of Black History Month, the legacy and future of Black Canadians. This fund and the financial awards it will provide is one step toward supporting Black students,” said Mark Frison, President at Assiniboine. “I want to thank the Assiniboine Foundation for supporting this fund and the future of Black Canadians.”

There was a more than 57 percent growth in the Black population in Manitoba from 2015 to 2019, with a 132 per cent growth in Southwest Manitoba and 97 per cent growth in Brandon during that time.

The Foundation Legacy Gala Dinner features a multi-course menu with wine pairings at each course. Culinary Arts, Baking Foundations and Hotel and Restaurant Management students work together to make this an unforgettable event.

“We are incredibly proud of the work our students do to contribute to such a wonderful evening that ultimately supports fellow and future students,” said Karen O’Gilvie, Academic Chair of Assiniboine’s Field to Fork programs, which includes the programs responsible for hosting this event. “This is my first Legacy Gala at Assiniboine, and as a Black educator and Red Seal Chef, this event brings together a few different areas that are meaningful to me.”

In recent years the Legacy Gala has given proceeds to financial support for Mature Student High School students (2017), Indigenous students (2018), Early Childhood Education students (2019), emergency student needs in light of the COVID-19 pandemic (2020) and students in healthcare programs (2022).

To purchase tickets or for more information about the Gala, contact foundation@assiniboine.net.

About Assiniboine Community College

Assiniboine Community College has been providing exceptional learning experiences for more than 60 years, offering unparalleled learning environments and responding to the demands and requirements of the Manitoba labour market. Following the philosophy of “learn by doing,” programs combine theory with hands- on learning inside classrooms, labs, kitchens, shops, fields and the college’s Sustainable Greenhouse.

Assiniboine offers more than 60 certificate, diploma and post-graduate programs across a variety of disciplines including culinary arts and hospitality, business, agriculture and environment, health and human services, and trades and technology. The college also delivers apprenticeship programming in a range of skilled trades disciplines.

The college welcomed more than 3,700 full-time and 6,000 part-time students last year. With campuses in Brandon, Dauphin, Winnipeg and Portage la Prairie, Assiniboine provides comprehensive educational opportunities throughout Manitoba. The college also partners with many communities and organizations across the province to deliver customized education and training. Assiniboine’s annual provincial economic impact is $612 million. In the most recent survey of graduates, nine months after graduation, 94 per cent were employed, with 92 per cent remaining in Manitoba.

Assiniboine Community College campuses are located on the traditional territories of Treaty No. 1 and Treaty No. 2, the shared traditional lands of Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota, Dene and Anishinabek/Ojibwe peoples, and the homeland of the Red River Métis. We acknowledge their welcome to the students who seek knowledge here.

For more information, please contact:

Kyla Cottom
Communications Specialist

Assiniboine Community College


204.725.8700 ext 6043


Ten Adorable Valentine’s Day Date Ideas in Brandon 

Ten Adorable Valentine’s Day Date Ideas in Brandon 

By Lily Hodgson, Reporter

Visit T-Birds for some bowling or arcade games! Your Brandon University Paw Pass can get you a “sweet” deal on an hour and a half of bowling. Plus, if you visit the BUSU office, they sometimes have arcade coupons up for grabs! 

Stay home, order takeout, and have a movie or game night. The Dock on Princess, Dominoes, and Papa John’s are just a few of the places that offer Paw Pass discounts when you order delivery. 

See a movie at Landmark Cinemas. Puss in Boots, anyone? 

Have a mall date at the Shopper’s Mall! Even if you aren’t planning on shopping, who doesn’t love people watching, window shopping, and eating delicious food court food? 

Take a self-guided tour of the Daly House Museum. Full of fascinating antique artifacts and displays, it will transport you back to the 19th century – making it an absolute must-see for those interested in Brandon’s history. Admission is well worth the price, at only $5. 

Take your Valentine out to Chez Angela Bakery for sandwiches, coffee, baked goods or even a delicious stone hearth pizza. As a bonus, you can get 25% off specific menu items with your Paw Pass! 

Paint pottery at Fun Time Pottery! They have a wide variety of super-cute Valentine’s Day-themed pieces to paint. You can get a Paw Pass discount here, too. 

Visit the Art Gallery downtown. The best part? Entry is completely free! Afterwards, visit the gift shop to support some local artists. 

Cook a homemade meal. At Co-Op Grocery Store, in addition to a $5 off deal with your Student ID, $15 food vouchers are available from the BUSU office every second Thursday. Pick up some ingredients and try a new recipe! 

Go thrifting! MCC Thrift, Plato’s Closet, Value Village, and Nearly New are just a few local thrift store options. Thrifting is a great and inexpensive date idea, and to add to the fun, you can pick silly outfits for each other and wear them out to dinner. 

Assiniboine celebrates the rural rotating Practical Nursing training site in Arborg

Assiniboine celebrates the rural rotating Practical Nursing training site in Arborg

ARBORG, Man. (January 31, 2023)— Assiniboine Community College hosted a celebration luncheon at its rural rotating Practical Nursing training site in Arborg today.  

“Assiniboine’s expansion of its Practical Nursing program in both permanent and rural rotating sites will allow more students to become certified in this high-demand health-care occupation,” said Advanced Education and Training Minister Sarah Guillemard. “Being able to attend training closer to home increases participation rates for rural students, which aligns with our government’s Skills, Training and Knowledge Strategy, and also supports our commitment to add 400 new nursing seats to meet Manitoba’s health sector needs.”

The site welcomed its first intake of nursing students in January 2021, followed by a second intake in September 2022. Today, President Mark Frison visited the site for a celebration event attended by nursing students and staff, Minister Derek Johnson, who is the MLA for Interlake-Gimli, and partners from the Town of Arborg and the Interlake-Eastern Health Regional Health Authority.

“Assiniboine continues to be responsive to Manitoba’s labour market and support economic growth by meeting community needs. Our rural rotating Practical Nursing training sites answer the call on both of these priorities. I’m thrilled to be in Arborg today to celebrate a site that has trained and is currently training many nurses who will go on to work in this community and region,” said Mark Frison, President at Assiniboine. “We thank our partners in community, healthcare and government for ensuring we can offer these training opportunities close to home for these nursing students.”

The college held a grand opening of its Virden and Otterburne rural rotating locations in November, with a similar event held in Morden earlier this month.

“Since 2010, Assiniboine has offered the Practical Nursing program over ten times in the Interlake-Eastern region in Ashern, Selkirk, Pine Falls, and Arborg,” said Marion Ellis, CEO of Interlake-Eastern Regional Health Authority. “We thank the college for continuing to host these accessible nursing education opportunities in our communities.”

Practical Nursing is the largest single program of study at Assiniboine, with 100 per cent of graduates surveyed reporting they had jobs. Since 1975, more than 4,200 individuals have graduated from nursing programs offered by the college. 

In addition to rural rotating sites, the college has permanent Practical Nursing programs at its campuses in Brandon, Winnipeg, Dauphin and Portage la Prairie.

Assiniboine congratulates Dr. Deanna Rexe on receiving the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal

Media Release



Assiniboine congratulates Dr. Deanna Rexe on receiving the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal

BRANDON, Man. (January 17, 2023)—Assiniboine Community College is extending congratulations to Dr. Deanna Rexe, who received the Queen Elizabeth Platinum Jubilee Medal today. Dr. Rexe is the Vice President Academic at the college.

“Working with Deanna for the past several years, I have learned a great deal. Her commitment to students, education and applied research is first-rate, and she has been working to enhance student experiences and support college growth since she joined Assiniboine,” said Mark Frison, President of Assiniboine. “Deanna is a passionate leader and this honour could not be more fitting or deserved.”

Dr. Rexe holds a doctorate in educational leadership from Simon Fraser University. She joined the college as VP Academic in 2016. Prior to that, she conducted research in the Faculty of Education at Simon Fraser University, and had previously held senior leadership positions at Vancouver Community College, where she served as a Vice-President, and the British Columbia Institute of Technology.

For more information, please contact:

Anya McNabb

Director, Communications and Marketing

Assiniboine Community College

204.725.8700 ext 6044

BU at the Public Library returns

BU at the Public Library returns


The popular BU at the Public Library Speaker Series is back!

The series features monthly talks by Brandon University (BU) faculty, staff, students, and community partners. All talks and presentations are designed to take the exciting research and work that is happening at BU and to share it with the Westman community.

BU has partnered with the Western Manitoba Regional Library (WMRL), which is hosting and co-organizing all the talks at the Downtown Brandon branch. The series is co-organized by Heather Tornblom and Deanna Smid at BU, and by Alex Rogowsky at WMRL.

“We’re excited to partner with the public library on this initiative,” said Tornblom. “Holding presentations off campus emphasizes BU’s engagement with our local community. Besides, the talks scheduled for this year look amazing!”

First held in 2018, the series went on a hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This year, many Brandon University faculty researchers will be joined by their student or community partners, highlighting the collaboration that is so important at the university.

The first presentation is on Wednesday, Jan. 25, and will introduce a topic that is literally close to home. Christy Henry (University Archivist) and Morganna Malyon (Student Accessibility Services Associate) will be joined by research assistant Paul Refvik to present their research into the lives of unmarried, childless women in Westman, 1880-1985.

“We’re very proud of the research that our students and faculty do at Brandon University,” said BU Provost and Vice-President (Academic) Kofi Campbell. “This research is important and very relevant to our region. Community engagement is a crucial part of our mission, and so it’s very rewarding to be able to share this work, and I’m excited to have it presented in such a great venue.”

All presentations will be held on the last Wednesday of the month, from January to June, from 7 to 8:30 p.m., in the Program Room of the Downtown Brandon public library. The library doors will be open at 6:30, and visitors can enter through the Town Centre Parkade or the Rosser Ave. entrance. Parking at that time of the evening is free.

Each presentation will also be catered by a downtown eatery, so expect delicious food as well as stimulating conversations. The presentations will also include door prizes, so these are events not to be missed!

Schedule of Presentations:

January 25

Presenters: Christy Henry, Morganna Malyon and Paul Refvik

Title: Unearthing the Memory of Single Women in Southwestern Manitoba, 1880-1985

February 22

Presenter: Jack Lindsay

Title: 'What can disaster movies teach us about disasters?

March 29

Presenters: Christopher D. Malcolm and Daniela Paz Campama Gonzalez

Title: Visitor perception of black bears, bear management and compliance with the “Bare Campsite” program at Riding Mountain National Park

April 26

Presenter: Mostafa Torabi

Title: Applications of social media monitoring for businesses to improve customer satisfaction

May 31

Presenter: Emily Holland

Title: Called to the Stand: Forensic Anthropologists in Training and in Practice

June 28

Presenters: Centre for Critical Studies of Rural Mental Health

Title: A Warrior’s Red Path: Connecting to Culture through Drum Making

Alumni Night at the Games

Alumni Night at the Games


The Westman Alumni Chapter invites you to Alumni Night with the Bobcats.

Friday, January 13th. 

Catch up with your fellow Brandon University alumni as you cheer on the BU Bobcats Basketball teams as they defend their den against the University of Manitoba Bisons!

Join us for free pizza, refreshments and door prizes in the exclusive VIP area set up for BU alumni and guests!

Don’t miss this networking opportunity to make new connections and new friends.

We all have BU in common, so come join the Bobcats’ roar!

Women’s game 6 p.m. | Men’s game 8 p.m. | Healthy Living Centre

Assiniboine announces more than $600K in financial awards, celebrates recipients and donors at new event

Media Release



Assiniboine announces more than $600K in financial awards, celebrates recipients and donors at new event

BRANDON, Man. (December 8, 2022) - Assiniboine Community College has announced that it has distributed $612,550 in financial awards for the 2022-23 academic year. The college is celebrating these financial award recipients and donors this evening with a new event, the #HumbleBrag Student Award Recipient Celebration.

“These students have worked very hard to advance their education and we feel they deserve to be recognized. That’s what inspired our #HumbleBrag student celebration event―the desire to shine a spotlight on these students and thank the generous community of donors who have made these awards possible,” said Derrick Turner, Director, Advancement & External Relations at Assiniboine.

“The goal of our fundraising is always to enhance the student experience. Whether it’s through learning tools and facilities or student financial awards, our efforts are student-focussed.”

This sum will help more than 350 students who are pursuing training at Assiniboine this year. Financial awards are given to students based on a variety of indicators, including financial need, academic performance, athletic participation and emergency needs.

Assiniboine has a strong community of supporters with a long history of giving to support student needs. Tundra Oil and Gas recently created a new student award for Indigenous learners, and sees the value in supporting students’ futures.

“Tundra is proud to support Assiniboine Community College students as they journey toward their educational goals,” said Jane Mactaggart, President & CEO of Tundra Oil & Gas. “Recipients of the Tundra Oil & Gas Indigenous Award demonstrate leadership and community service, in addition to their academic performance. Assiniboine Community College plays an important role in helping build pathways for Indigenous learners and we’re honoured to participate in events like this that celebrate these students and their achievements.”

Assiniboine’s #HumbleBrag Student Award Recipient Celebration, held at the college’s Victoria Avenue East campus, heard first-hand from student award recipient Charlene Nault, a Social Service Worker student who received the Tundra Oil & Gas award this year.

“I want to thank Tundra Oil & Gas for the generous scholarship that I received, as it has helped me to give back to other students. It is a huge benefit to not have to work through the school year and to be able to mentor others, be a student leader and gain so much valuable leadership experience,” said Nault. “As a Métis student in her 40s, who had everything working against her to be here today, it is both a miracle and an honour, so I want to say thank you to everyone who has helped in the process of making that happen.”

About Assiniboine Community College
Assiniboine Community College has been providing exceptional learning experiences for more than 60 years, offering unparalleled learning environments and responding to the demands and requirements of the Manitoba labour market. Following the philosophy of “learn by doing,” programs combine theory with hands- on learning inside classrooms, labs, kitchens, shops, fields and the college’s Sustainable Greenhouse.

Assiniboine offers more than 60 certificate, diploma and post-graduate programs across a variety of disciplines including culinary arts and hospitality, business, agriculture and environment, health and human services, and trades and technology. The college also delivers apprenticeship programming in a range of skilled trades disciplines.

The college welcomed more than 3,700 full-time and 6,000 part-time students last year. With campuses in Brandon, Dauphin, Winnipeg and Portage la Prairie, Assiniboine provides comprehensive educational opportunities throughout Manitoba. The college also partners with many communities and organizations across the province to deliver customized education and training. Assiniboine’s annual provincial economic impact is $612 million. In the most recent survey of graduates, nine months after graduation, 92 per cent were employed, with 93 per cent remaining in Manitoba.

Assiniboine Community College campuses are located on the traditional territories of Treaty No. 1 and Treaty No. 2, the shared traditional lands of Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota, Dene and Anishinabek/Ojibwe peoples, and the homeland of the Red River Métis. We acknowledge their welcome to the students who seek knowledge here.

For more information, please contact:

Kyla Cottom

Communications Specialist

Assiniboine Community College


204.725.8700 ext 6043

Assiniboine offers Early Childhood Education Workplace program in two new locations starting in January

Media Release



Assiniboine offers Early Childhood Education Workplace program in two new locations starting in January

BRANDON, Man. (November 23, 2022)— Assiniboine Community College is offering the Early Childhood Education (ECE) Workplace program in two new locations in early 2023. The diploma program is intended for those who are currently employed by a childcare centre and have a minimum of two years of experience in the field.

The college is currently accepting applications for the ECE Workplace program, which will begin on January 10, 2023. The program will allow students to remain working at the centre they’re currently employed with, attending classes two days a week.

“The Workplace reiteration of the ECE program takes into account the students’ prior experience in the field, which allows the program to be delivered in a concentrated format,” said Karen Hargreaves, Dean of Health and Human Services at Assiniboine.

“While the program is two years in length, comparable to the conventional ECE program, having two days of classes per week rather than five allows students to continue working while they complete the program.”

There will be cohorts in both Dauphin and Virden, with 20 seats available in each cohort. Students who complete the program will receive a diploma in Early Childhood Education, which will allow them to apply for their ECE Level 2 classification.

“Trained and certified workers in this profession are in high demand. This new program assists in meeting these demands with individuals who have previously invested time in learning about this profession,” said Rennais Gayle, Chairperson of Early Childhood Education at Assiniboine.

The Early Childhood Education Workplace program is offered every two years, rotating throughout the province.

For more information or to apply, visit assiniboine.net/ece.

About Assiniboine Community College

Assiniboine Community College has been providing exceptional learning experiences for more than 60 years, offering unparalleled learning environments and responding to the demands and requirements of the Manitoba labour market. Following the philosophy of “learn by doing,” programs combine theory with hands- on learning inside classrooms, labs, kitchens, shops, fields and the college’s Sustainable Greenhouse.

Assiniboine offers more than 60 certificate, diploma and post-graduate programs across a variety of disciplines including culinary arts and hospitality, business, agriculture and environment, health and human services, and trades and technology. The college also delivers apprenticeship programming in a range of skilled trades disciplines.

The college welcomed more than 3,700 full-time and 6,000 part-time students last year. With campuses in Brandon, Dauphin, Winnipeg and Portage la Prairie, Assiniboine provides comprehensive educational opportunities throughout Manitoba. The college also partners with many communities and organizations across the province to deliver customized education and training. Assiniboine’s annual provincial economic impact is $612 million. In the most recent survey of graduates, nine months after graduation, 94 per cent were employed, with 92 per cent remaining in Manitoba.

Assiniboine Community College campuses are located on the traditional territories of Treaty No. 1 and Treaty No. 2, the shared traditional lands of Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota, Dene and Anishinabek/Ojibwe peoples, and the homeland of the Red River Métis. We acknowledge their welcome to the students who seek knowledge here.

For more information, please contact:

Nycolle Adams

Communications Specialist

Assiniboine Community College


204-725-8700 ext. 6758


Recognizing Brandon Flight Centre learning helps students soar to new heights

Recognizing Brandon Flight Centre learning helps students soar to new heights

November 16, 2022

Chief Flight Instructor Keyano Ritter pilots a plane north of Brandon.

Brandon University (BU) and the Brandon Flight Centre (BFC) are working together to ensure that Manitoba-trained pilots shape the future of aviation on the global stage for years to come.

Brandon University is proud to announce it is integrating aviation options into several degree programs. Over the last eight months, Science faculty members including Dr. Dion Wiseman (Geography and Environment), Dr. Todd Fugleberg (Physics and Astronomy) and Dr. Tammy McKenzie (Psychology) conducted an exhaustive review of the ground school and in-flight training delivered at the Brandon Flight Centre. Now, BU students who have completed flight training can receive more than a full year’s worth of credit hours from those departments towards their chosen degree program.

This process was assisted by Jillian Borreson, BFC’s Student Services Coordinator, and Gary McNeely, BU’s Prior Learning and Recognition (PLAR) Co-ordinator.

“During the assessment process, the three departments involved were keen to explore how this flight training could enhance their degree’s skills base” McNeely noted. “We are still exploring more ways flight training could elevate a BU education. It may also have applications in disaster management or in business administration and community economic development opportunities. Language studies may also play a role. Being bilingual in French or conversant in an Indigenous language opens yet more doors for our graduates.”

The interest from various departments is exciting for BFC’s team.

“Careers in aviation can be as unique as the people who fly,” Borreson stresses. “While the airlines are the main destination for many pilots, the industry also provides critical services to rural and northern communities, medical transportation, search and rescue, food production, conservation and more. Degree programs can also pave the way into support positions like airport or airline management, safety and incident investigations, or engineering.”

This recognition could not be coming at a better time. According to Boeing’s Pilot and Technician outlook, by 2041 over 600,000 new pilots will be needed worldwide, with nearly 130,000 required in North America alone. Canada’s robust aviation and aerospace industry makes it a key destination for flight training. More than half of the 1,200 new commercial pilots Canada trains each year are international students and nearly one in three graduates will find careers with overseas carriers.

“This faculty- and student-driven initiative is a great example of the importance of Prior Learning and Recognition in being responsive to our community and acknowledging that education comes in many forms,” said Dr. Kofi Campbell, Provost and Vice-President (Academic) at BU. “Our goals as a university include cultivating student success and engagement, and building connections with the community. This project certainly checks those boxes, and I commend the members of our BU faculty and the Brandon Flight Centre for demonstrating how we can work together to create opportunities for our students while addressing the needs of the region and industry.”

“Take Back the Night” returns to Brandon University with march and rally 

“Take Back the Night” returns to Brandon University with march and rally 

Brandon University 

October 17th, 2022

Picture Credit: Brandon University 

An empowering event and annual tradition to end gender-based violence is returning to the city this week. “Take Back the Night” will march from Princess Park to Brandon University on Thursday evening, where refreshments, resources and more will welcome participants.

“‘Take Back the Night’ has been a tradition in Brandon for nearly 20 years,” said Sandy Smith, Advocacy and Community Engagement Coordinator at the Women’s Resource Centre, which is partnering with Brandon University and the YWCA to restart the event after a hiatus during the pandemic.

“The goal of this event is to build awareness in our community around gender-based violence and empower people in a collaborative way,” she said. “We stand on the shoulders of the women who have come before us and this event is about bringing all generations together.”

“Take Back The Night” starts in Princess Park at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday evening, Oct. 20. At about 6 p.m., participants will march from the park to the Brandon University campus. On campus, a small resource fair and refreshments like hot chocolate and treats will await in the Mingling Area of the Knowles–Douglas Student Union Centre. The resource fair will include organizations like the YWCA, SERC, The Women’s Resource Centre, and Westman Teams Against Sexual Exploitation.

“‘Take Back The Night’ is the oldest worldwide movement to stand against sexual violence in all forms, dating to the 1970s, and we’re thrilled to bring it back,” said BU professor Dr. Kelly Saunders, who is involved in organizing the event.

‘Take Back the Night’ is open to everyone.

“We encourage allies to participate,” Smith said. “Come out and join us for a powerful, positive event with a great group. We’d love to see you there.”

Assiniboine launches the first 3rd Class cohort in the Power Engineering program

Media Release


Assiniboine launches the first 3rd Class cohort in the Power Engineering program

BRANDON, Man. (October 05, 2022) – Assiniboine Community College has welcomed its first 3rd Class cohort in the Power Engineering program, transitioning students who’ve completed their 4th Class training into their final year of the two-year diploma program.

Across Canada, power engineers move through five classes descending numerically, with a 1st Class Engineer signifying the highest level of education in the occupation. The college previously offered 4th class training before the diploma program was introduced in fall 2021. Students who complete this second year of the program will be the first to receive their 3rd Class certification.

“There is a high demand for qualified power engineers in Manitoba, and it’s only expected to increase,” said Kevin Poirier, Dean of Trades at Assiniboine Community College. “Providing a fluent transition in training enables students to accelerate their certification and enter the workforce positioned for advanced career opportunities.”

Pfizer Canada, a local industry leader, played a significant role in kickstarting the program through its $75,000 contribution to curriculum development and student entrance awards.

“Pfizer was a proud partner in supporting Assiniboine Community College as it launched its 3rd class Power Engineering program,” said Ron Cherepuschak, Managing Director, Pfizer Global Supply, Pfizer Canada. “This program is meeting a real need to help grow the number of Power Engineers required for Manitoba to meet its growing economic demand. As an organization that relies on power engineers in our manufacturing, we see how much value this program brings to the local economy.”

The program, located at the college’s North Hill campus in Brandon, prepares students to operate and maintain equipment found in industrial plants and learn the mathematics, mechanics, combustion, thermodynamics and instrumentation needed for a career in power engineering.

“The hands-on aspect of the program lends itself well to in-class learning, especially in trades,” said Sheridan Sainsbury, second-year student in the Power Engineering program at Assiniboine. “Reading theories in a textbook and being able to apply them to real-life applications is very helpful in my studies.”

Graduates of the program will have the opportunity to build careers in various industries, including chemical manufacturing, food processing and electrical generation.

For more information on the Power Engineering diploma, visit assiniboine.net/powerengineering. -30-

About Assiniboine Community College

Assiniboine Community College has been providing exceptional learning experiences for more than 60 years, offering unparalleled learning environments and responding to the demands and requirements of the Manitoba labour market. Following the philosophy of “learn by doing,” programs combine theory with hands-on learning inside classrooms, labs, kitchens, shops, fields and the college’s Sustainable Greenhouse.

Assiniboine offers more than 60 certificate, diploma and post-graduate programs across a variety of disciplines including culinary arts and hospitality, business, agriculture and environment, health and human services, and trades and technology. The college also delivers apprenticeship programming in a range of skilled trades disciplines.

The college welcomed more than 3,700 full-time and 6,000 part-time students last year. With campuses in Brandon, Dauphin, Winnipeg and Portage la Prairie, Assiniboine provides comprehensive educational opportunities throughout Manitoba. The college also partners with many communities and organizations across the province to deliver customized education and training. Assiniboine’s annual provincial economic impact is $612 million. In the most recent survey of graduates, nine months after graduation, 92 per cent were employed, with 93 per cent remaining in Manitoba.

Assiniboine Community College campuses are located on the traditional territories of Treaty No. 1 and Treaty No. 2, the shared traditional lands of Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota, Dene and Anishinabek/Ojibwe peoples, and the homeland of the Red River Métis. We acknowledge their welcome to the students who seek knowledge here.

For more information, please contact:

Nycolle Adams

Communications Specialist Assiniboine Community College




Suddenly It Is Fall

Suddenly It Is Fall

by Ronnie Neiman

After a summer filled with high temperatures and not much rain, the season has changed to more of the norm expected for this time of year. The temperature has dipped to just above ten degrees C, with some exceptions. 

It is always a good thing to dress for the weather. No more shorts and tank tops as the sun-filled and humid weather is gone for now. It is also best to to prepare for what the weather will be like in the following months, and what to expect from the upcoming winter season. 

AccuWeather has released its annual autumn forecast for Canada with weather predictions and patterns.

This fall will be the “tale of two coasts” in Canada. The western provinces will see wetter and cooler climates this fall, while Eastern Canada is forecast to receive quite the opposite. Parts of the Prairies, including Alberta, should expect typical fall weather conditions, with fairly normal amounts of rainfall and seasonal temperature. Most of Saskatchewan and Manitoba will also see near-normal amounts of precipitation, though northern Manitoba may see above-normal levels as storms move across areas around Hudson Bay. Overall, temperatures will be mild this fall across the central and eastern Prairies, with some large portions of Saskatchewan and Manitoba, including Regina and Winnipeg, expecting above-normal temperatures this autumn. Mild seasonal temperatures are not expected to impact chances of snow late in the season.

The next few months are not expected to be too cold or dry, with the normal amount of humidity. So dress comfortable, paying attention to the wind of the day, as that will decide part of the coldness of the day. 

Those students who are not used to the coldness of the prairies of Canada, be sure you are prepared for the colder weather and any possible winter storms. Ask your fellow students, or staff at Brandon University.