Wouldn’t it be nice By Scott Blyth of Sustainable Brandon

WOULDN’T IT BE NICE and certainly the right thing to do - to have an announcement from a representative of the fossil fuel industry, going something like this:

“We acknowledge that we are in the midst of a climate change crisis. We accept that climate change is the direct result of the increase in greenhouse gases, caused by the emissions from the burning of fossil fuels, and from the exploration and production of fossil fuels— coal, gasoline, natural gas (methane). We have heard from the scientific community that ideally there should be no more fossil fuel exploration and production. That these yet-to-be tapped reserves should be left in the ground. We know that to shut everything down suddenly is a pipe-dream, but to demonstrate our good faith and shared concern about global warming, we announce that we plan to gradually decrease our overall production. We are proposing a 10% reduction over the next few years, as a start. We realize that more reduction in the future will be a necessary part of the overall plan. We, here in the fossil fuel industry, share concerns about the climate change crisis, especially in knowing there will be an increase in extreme events worldwide. These events will include increased fires, drought, floods, melting of glaciers, increased  extinction of species, and the acidification of our oceans. We realize that it’s no longer a question of when, but that these events are already taking place — for example, increased smoke in the air right here in Manitoba from distant fires. We also recognize that there are numerous health issues associated with climate change - 15,000 respiratory-related deaths annually in Canada are due to the effects of emissions. We  will also be actively shifting our investments into the renewable energy industry, including geothermal as well as nuclear energy projects. (An example of this is: Exxon Mobil, which, until recently was questioning the veracity of climate change, has recognized the need to shift toward renewable energy sources in its annual ‘Outlook for Energy’ reports.)”


In a recent article in the Globe and Mail (Nov. 30, 2024), what we are hearing is: “Energy drilling activity to reach a 10 year high”. And: “ the (oil and gas) sector is seeking more regulatory and policy support from the federal government”.  Translation — the fossil fuel industry wants the federal government to not implement any regulations or policies that might negatively affect the fossil fuel industry. Some other quotes from Mark Shulz, Association Chief of the Canadian Association of Energy Contractors, include: “Hope is making a comeback in the oil patch”; “We are simply not reaching our full potential as an industry or a country”;  “ We urge the federal government to reconsider this legislation” — in reference to the oil and gas emissions cap recently introduced by the federal government. Further on in the article, there is a quote from Danielle Smith, Premier of Alberta, calling the emissions cap utter foolishness. She actually wants Alberta oil and gas production to double.

HOPE. This is a word climate scientists and activists use when recommending what needs to be done to mitigate climate change.

WE MUST DO BETTER. Again, a phrase used by those activists pleading for change as we are running out of time.

FOOLISHNESS. This implies that all the science behind the climate change crisis is “foolishness” — like it is not real. No surprise that Donald Trump has weighed in, stating “I’m not a big believer in global warming”.

So, if the climate change crisis is not an issue to be horrified by, then why are insurance companies factoring in climate change into their policies? Why has the Bank of Canada now incorporated climate change as a key vulnerability facing the economy? Why do most cities and provinces have a climate change action plan, where they attempt to plan for both mitigation and adaptation? What if we are running out of time!?

Think of the warming earth like a human body. If your child’s temperature goes up by 1°— you are concerned! What if your child’s temperature went up by 2°? You are worried!What about 3°? You are taking the child to the emergency room, to get rid of what’s causing the increase in temperature. Otherwise… the child (earth) might die!!!

Scott Blyth

83 Ashgrove Blvd.

Brandon, MB, R7B 1C7
