Activities to do During Isolation

Activities to do During Isolation

By Mary Uchechukwu Okorie

Quarantine is a very challenging period and people need to engage in activities to help prevent or lessen mental health issues. There are many activities one can engage in, but I will only discuss a few:

  • Go out on walks.

  • Participate in more online events to connect with others.

  • Watch a movie or read a novel.

  • Find a hobby.

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Going for walks is an activity that can be really helpful during the isolation period. People need to be out of their house, need to breathe fresh air, and see places that do not include the four walls of their room or home, and at least see some other people moving around at a safe distance. People can also go for walks to clear their mind and just appreciate nature. This will enable people to take their minds off the possible loneliness that accompanies isolation.

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People should engage more in online events so that they connect with other people. While online events cannot really compare to the interaction of in-person events, we do not have much choice but to make the best out of our situation. Participating in online events is also better than just being alone, doing nothing and having no one to talk to. This could be an organized group discussion or ‘party’, or merely watching a movie or playing games with friends online. This allows people to communicate with each other, talk to friends, and possibly find new friends. It would be beneficial to participate in these types of events.

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People can also watch or read a novel during the isolation period. This can serve as a relaxation period or reward time after studying. It will help people to not feel so lonely and to engage their brains in other things so that they do not have the time to think about being alone or anything that may be causing anxiety. It is really refreshing to read a novel or watch a movie.

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During this isolation period, people can also experiment on different things that they like and might not have been able to do if they were to go out every day. People should find a hobby that makes them happy. It could be cooking or baking or any other activity they can engage in that will keep their mood elevated. Finding hobbies can really help to get through quarantine.

Therefore, finding a hobby, watching a movie or reading a novel, participating more in online events and going out on walks are a few things out of the many activities people can engage in to help pass the time and hopefully keep them sane through the period of isolation.