The New Burger On The Block

The grills of Brandon’s own Wayback Burgers have been open since last week Tuesday, and the quality of its food and service is nothing short of sizzling. Wayback Burgers is a diner-inspired burger-and-shake chain that began in the United States and has since opened locations around the globe. The company’s presence in Canada is still growing with its only Canadian locations in Manitoba. Wayback’s Brandon location can be found on 18th street across from the Keystone Centre grounds. 

In a city where burger chains are never in short supply, Wayback Burgers had its work cut out to make an impressive entrance onto the Brandon-burger scene. The restaurant validates its presence with a considerable menu of burgers, hotdogs, and milkshakes whose quality differentiates the restaurant enough from the super-convenience but comparatively mediocre products offered by fast-food conveyors such as McDonald’s and Burger King. While the prices are slightly more expensive and the wait-time for food is understandably longer (especially with the restaurant being in its first week of operations), the product is worth the price of admission. Wayback succeeds at filling the void that its “fast-casual dining” cousin Five Guys left behind by offering a gustatory treat that any diner-enthusiast will enjoy.

In preparation for this review, I ordered a combo that included a bacon double-cheeseburger, fries, and chocolate milkshake, and tasted a veggie burger and onion rings . I fortunately dined with others who could assist in finishing some of my fries as I quickly discovered how filling Wayback’s food is. Where other fast-food restaurants leave a person craving more, I left the restaurant in a state between satisfaction and being over-stuffed. The bacon double-cheeseburger and the chocolate milkshake were the most praiseworthy items that I tried; the sandwich was a substantial meal unto itself whose deliciousness matched its sheer weight, and the milkshake’s richness and robust chocolate flavour alone warrant another visit to Wayback.  The onion rings, fries, and veggie burger were of a standard that other less-expensive fast-food restaurants competently meet and did not explode expectations. The service at Wayback was very positive with each server delivering and checking on orders in a friendly and accommodating manner. This was particularly commendable given the fact that the restaurant was packed during my visit. Overall, I was very satisfied with my experience at Wayback and would recommend the food to anyone who has been craving a “higher-end” burger in Brandon since Five Guys’ closure.

Rating: 4 out of 5 flaming grills.

pc: Aiden