Awareness In The Month Of September

An overall theme for September is reproductive health. This month seeks to promote awareness of ovarian cancer, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and prostate cancer

September is also awareness month for childhood cancer, Alzheimer’s (Alzheimer’s Society), and mental health recovery (Recovery Day Canada).  

September 16 – International day for the preservation of the ozone layer (UN Environment Programme)

The ozone layer is the most important shield we have for preserving life on earth. This day is observed in accordance with the day in 1987 on which nations committed to signing the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. The UN urges participation by protecting yourself from ozone layer depletion by avoiding excessive sun exposure and researching the small ways you can minimize your own impact on the ozone layer. 

September 20 – Annual Alzheimer coffee break day (Alzheimer’s Society)

Coffee Break day is the Alzheimer’s Society’s annual nationwide fundraiser to support programs and services that help those diagnosed as well as their caregivers and family members. Participants receive a cup of coffee in exchange for a donation and the chance to catch up with friends and meet new people in community organized events. For more information visit 

September 21 – World Alzheimer’s day (Alzheimer’s Society)

Dementia is a term used to describe various brain disorders that affect memory, thinking, behaviour, and emotion. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia. Lack of understanding creates social stigma that results in dehumanization, strain in relationships, insufficient care, lower rates of diagnosis and delayed support. This day (and month) is dedicated to destigmatize and prevent the spread of misinformation surrounding Alzheimer’s. You can participate by joining in on an Investors Group Walk for Alzheimer’s, for more information visit 

September 21 – International Day of Peace (United Nations) 

The UN defines this day as being devoted to commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace within and among all nations and peoples; it is intended for global commitments to peace above all differences to contribute to building an international culture of peace. From taking a minute of silence at noon to participating in organized activities, there are multiple ways to participate. Visit for a complete list. 

September 23 to 29 – National Forest Week (Canadian Forestry Association)

Forests are fundamental to national economy, culture, traditions, history, and the future. National Forest week encourages people to learn more about Canada’s forest heritage and raise awareness of forests as a renewable resource. The Canadian Forestry Association encourages you take a walk in the woods, plant a tree, care for a neglected tree, and educate yourself and others on the prevention of forest fires through. 

September 29 – World Heart Day (World Heart Federation)

Cardiovascular disease (heart disease and stroke) is the worlds leading cause of death. This day is to focus on action to prevent and control CVD as well as educating people about controlling risk factors like tobacco use, unhealthy diet, and physical inactivity – abstinence from these could avoid 80% of premature deaths. The World Heart Federation encourages people to participate in activities to take charge of heart health and encourage heart healthy living.