

By Mary Okorie

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC

Thanksgiving holiday is a set-aside day to give thanks to God for a bountiful harvest during the

summertime and generally for anything else to be thankful for. It is a tradition in Canada and usually

features gravy, turkey, mashed potatoes, and many other delicious meals. Being an international

student, I had only seen thanksgiving in movies and had never experienced it until I came here. To

people who are new to Canada, thanksgiving might just be an additional holiday to rest or work, but it is

of great significance to Canadians. There is usually a vast feast and gatherings of the family filled with

laughter and joy. I had the opportunity to spend my first Thanksgiving in Canada with a wonderful

Canadian family and was able to finally experience what I usually saw in movies. All the meals were

already prepared by the time I got there, there were also many people I got to meet, and the turkey was

enormous and delicious. Thanksgiving is incomplete without a turkey ��. I hope that many othe

international students will get this kind of experience and be able to see the significance of the

Thanksgiving holiday. It is not a day to spend alone but with family and friends. Happy Thanksgiving!