My Coming Out Story
By: Mallory Johnson
In honour of National Coming Out Day, which was on October 11th, I wanted to share my coming out story. I first came out to my friend Miles over text, this was when I was still questioning my sexuality (at this time, I thought I was bisexual), but it felt good telling someone. A little while after that, I told my friend Ashley that I was bisexual, also over text, and it felt great having another person know about it. A little while after that, I told my friend Brittany (also over text), this one felt really good because Brittany is one of my favourite people and I felt a relief that I didn’t have to hide it from her anymore. Eventually, I had to kind of come out to these three friends again because I realized I was not bisexual, but a lesbian. I am super grateful that my friends all supported me throughout this journey. Then, on September 15th in Brittany’s Brandon University dorm room, I sent my sister a Tik Tok video that had a gay joke in it. She asked me “Does this mean you’re gay?” and I said yes, and she said that she loved me and that she already knew. A little later that same night, I sent my parents Ally Hills’ Coming Out Song video, formally coming out to them. I am so lucky and grateful that I was met with so much love after I did that. The next morning, I texted my other friends, the rest of my family, and formally came out on Instagram and Facebook. I was met with so much love from everybody. After this, I went to the mall and bought a bunch of pride things and ordered a giant rainbow flag off Amazon. I now have a lesbian flag in my room. I am so lucky that I was accepted by everyone I came out to, because I know that not everyone is this lucky. Please remember that outing someone is never okay. If you are wanting to come out, please do it safely, and on your own terms.