Sweet Mother

Sweet mother,
       I will never forget you, you have suffered and struggled to see me become the child i am today, a respectable person in the society.

       I remember when i didn't eat, you also didn't eat, when i was crying, you carried me and wiped the tears from my eyes with your sweet and tender voice consoling me, when i was sick you were there at my bed side taking care of me as a Guardian Angel, If Angels are real then I know you are one of them.

        We had some good days and some not so very good days. The constant lectures, advice, training and scolding you gave to me, i thought those were signs of your hatred towards me, boy was i wrong. Even though i didn't say "i love you too" the countless times you told me you loved me, in my heart i was glad. You've sacrificed alot for me.  Remember that time Dad never showed up for my game, you called in sick just to come see me play and got suspended for lying. i didn't show my gratitude because i was mad at dad but when i saw you, there was this flame that lit in me and i smiled, we lost the match but i won something else, You.

        I was always a jerk and didn't show my feelings to you because i didn't want to look stupid or weak, but that was a child's thinking. I wished i told you a lot of things and how much i loved you. Dad was never there but you were, i took all my hatred for him on you, but you always smiled back and apologized. I knew i was wrong but didn't stop. I saw you the other night crying, I never realised you suffered more, you were always hiding that sadness behind a smile and I felt bad for you,.

        I saved money so i could get  you something for christmas, i was so excited i wanted to tell you not to worry because i got your back, i wanted to say i was sorry for everything i did to you, i wanted to say i love you, i wanted to see that smile on your face, i wanted you to be happy, i wanted you to rest and let me take care of you. I remember that night before christmas when i came back from the store after getting you your present. There were lots of cops outside the house, i saw you, still smiling and looking cute, you just layed there didn't move as the guy covered you up in a black sack and lifted you into the van.

        You were suffering from cancer all this time and you never told me. You were always cheerful and happy and smiling, it breaks my heart right now. I never should have waited for christmas, i should have told you everyday, every minute, how much i loved you, how sorry i was, I'm sorry Ma, I'm sorry Ma, I'm sorry Ma, I'm sorry Ma, I love you a lot and will never forget you.

         It's been twenty five years now since you joined the angels, i havn't forgotten your training, which i use on Tanya all the time, i think she hates me. I just became the president of the company where i work, can you believe that. You still have that perfectly beautiful smile as i look at your grave. Oh yes Tanya just turned 5 today and she has your smile, my there Sweet Mother.