Concert Review: Marianas Trench

Marianas Trench performing at the Keystone Centre. (Credit: Ariele Kehler/The Quill)

I’d like to preface this review by issuing a fangirl warning. There will be long, rambling descriptions of everything, and this is absolutely a biased article.

On Thursday, February 2nd, Marianas Trench came to Brandon for the first time in roughly seven years. My boyfriend, roommate, and I went to see them in March 2016 when they toured through Winnipeg, but this was even better – cheaper tickets and the added benefit of not needing to drive 2+ hours away. (Have you seen the price of gas lately? It’s getting better, but ouch.) The band consists of lead vocalist Josh Ramsay, bassist Mike Ayley, guitarist Matt Webb, and drummer Ian Casselman. The 2016 concert was flawless and I loved every second of it with every fibre of my being. Ramsay’s entrance was spectacular – flying over the crowd on a harness system like the total diva he is. I laughed, I cried, I sang/screamed the lyrics until my throat hurt.

Therefore, it was a no-brainer when they announced a second Canadian tour in under a year that I would be getting tickets, especially since they were coming to my city. Unfortunately, while Marianas Trench was touring Europe in late summer, Ramsay was diagnosed with a throat/chest infection and advised to take time off to heal. The original tour date of November 12th for Brandon was pushed back.

While it was only less than three months’ difference, it was telling that Ramsay needed more time to allow himself to get back to tip-top performance. Opening acts Courage, My Love, and Shawn Hook were fabulous, and I thoroughly enjoyed listening to them, but I was there for my boys. They still put on one hell of a show, but two songs were cut from their Winnipeg set list, and Ramsay had back-up vocalists Webb and Ayley sing choruses on a couple of songs.

I am by no means offended by this turn of events. Like any true fangirl, I want the best for these people. As expected, I shed a few tears during their single Who Do You Love?, as they played the music video at the same time – featured in the video is Ramsay dancing with his mother, who suffers from early onset dementia and dammit, I sob every time I see it.

While the entire concert experience is one I would gladly repeat, I look forward to Ramsay’s next musical masterpiece, and the next tour that travels its way through Manitoba.